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Enable scientific visualizations with enhanced visual cues at unprecedented levels of speed. Join experts from NVIDIA and Kitware to learn about GPU accelerated ray tracing in ParaView 5.7 and VTK . Built on top of NVIDIA’s RTX real-time tracing technology, this novel backend to ParaView equips HPC researchers with rich data rendering, allowing crucial insights during the research process.

Highlights include:
  • How to use OptiX Ray Tracer inside ParaView
  • Leverage simulations with ParaView
  • How ray tracing can provide more insights into data



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DGX Station Datasheet

Get a quick low-down and technical specs for the DGX Station.
DGX Station Whitepaper

Dive deeper into the DGX Station and learn more about the architecture, NVLink, frameworks, tools and more.
DGX Station Whitepaper

Dive deeper into the DGX Station and learn more about the architecture, NVLink, frameworks, tools and more.


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Tim Biedert

Senior Scientific Visualization Developer Technology Engineer, NVIDIA

Tim Biedert works in NVIDIA's HPC visualization group on large-scale and remote visualization, with a focus on real-time physically-based rendering. He leads the integration of RTX ray tracing technologies into ParaView and VTK, and is the maintainer of VisRTX and NvPipe. Tim holds an M.Sc. in computer science from the University of Kaiserslautern and joined the company in 2018 after finishing his doctoral studies on ray casting-based visualization on heterogeneous HPC architectures.

Robert Maynard

Principal Engineer, Kitware

Robert Maynard is a principal engineer who joined Kitware in 2010. He currently is a primary developer of VTK-m. His work on the open source toolkit focuses on finely-threaded visualization algorithms that run on GPUs and other accelerators. Robert also contributes to ParaView and VTK. Additionally he manages the release process for CMake. His efforts have helped to implement support for the CUDA language, improve support for OBJECT targets, and add support for MSVC and Intel compiler feature detection in CMake.

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Date & Time: Wednesday, April 22, 2018