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Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am PT
Duration: 1 hour

Missing data is a prevalent, yet often ignored, feature of company fundamentals. Join this webinar to understand the structure of missing financial data and learn how you can systematically deal with it.

We’ll cover four key stylized facts established through a comprehensive empirical study:

  • The issue of missing financial data is profound: It affects over 70 percent of firms that represent about half of the total market cap.
  • The problem becomes particularly severe when multiple characteristics need to be present.
  • Firm fundamentals aren’t missing at random, invalidating traditional ad-hoc approaches to data imputation and sample selection.
  • Stock returns themselves depend on missingness.

Together, we’ll then explore a novel imputation method that can provide a fully observed panel of firm fundamentals. We’ll look at what improvements this delivers over traditional methods and what that means for asset pricing.

By attending this webinar, you'll learn:
  • Empirical facts about the structure of missing firm fundamentals
  • A novel imputation method that utilizes both time-series and cross-sectional dependency of firm characteristics to impute their missing values
  • How to substantially improve standard empirical procedures, such as using cross-sectional averages or past observations
  • Crucial implications for missing financial data in different areas of investment and asset pricing
Join us after the presentation for a live Q&A session.

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Markus Pelger

Company Assistant Professor of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University

Markus is an assistant professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University and a Reid and Polly Anderson Faculty Fellow. His research focuses on understanding and managing financial risk. He develops mathematical financial models and statistical methods, analyzes financial data, and engineers computational techniques. His research is divided into three streams: statistical learning in high-dimensional financial datasets, stochastic financial modeling, and high-frequency statistics. His most recent work focuses on developing machine learning solutions to big data problems in empirical asset pricing. Markus’s work has appeared in the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Econometrics, and Journal of Applied Probability. He is an associate editor of Management Science, Digital Finance, and Data Science in Science. His research has been recognized with several awards, including the Utah Winter Finance Conference Best Paper Award, the Best Paper in Asset Pricing Award at the SFS Cavalcade, the Dennis Aigner Award of the Journal of Econometrics, the International Center for Pension Management Research Award, the CAFM Best Paper Award, and the IQAM Research Award. He has been invited to speak at hundreds of world-renowned universities, conferences, and investment and technology firms. He received his PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He has two diplomas in mathematics and in economics, both with highest distinction, from the University of Bonn in Germany. He is a scholar of the German National Merit Foundation and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, the Institute for New Economic Thinking Prize, the Eliot J. Swan Prize, and the Graduate Teaching Award at Stanford University. Pelger is a founding organizer of the AI and Big Data in Finance Research Forum and the Stanford Advanced Financial Technology Laboratories.

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Date & Time: Wednesday, April 22, 2018