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Multi-task models play a pivotal role in autonomous vehicle development by enabling developers to perform multiple critical functions simultaneously. These models, with multi-task heads generating application-specific outputs, require careful deployment to maximize compute resource efficiency.

In this webinar, we demonstrate how:

  • Multi-task models can be deployed on NVIDIA DRIVE Orin by leveraging different compute devices on the SoC at the same time, to improve latency and throughput
  • To implement a sample inference application using the NVIDIA software stack, including CUDA, TensoRT, and cuDLA

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DGX Station Datasheet

Get a quick low-down and technical specs for the DGX Station.
DGX Station Whitepaper

Dive deeper into the DGX Station and learn more about the architecture, NVLink, frameworks, tools and more.
DGX Station Whitepaper

Dive deeper into the DGX Station and learn more about the architecture, NVLink, frameworks, tools and more.
DGX Station Whitepaper

Dive deeper into the DGX Station and learn more about the architecture, NVLink, frameworks, tools and more.


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Le An
Engineering Manager, Autonomous Vehicles, NVIDIA
Le An works on machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision techniques to solve real-world problems in autonomous driving, video intelligence, image analysis, and more. Le received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Riverside, his M.S. from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, and a B.S. from Zhejiang University, China
Yuchao Jin
Senior Software Engineer, Autonomous Vehicles, NVIDIA
Yuchao Jin has been working on deep learning algorithms on GPUs and embedded systems with frameworks such as PyTorch. He also has been working on optimizing training and inference with CUDA and TensorRT on various platforms and GPUs. He received his B.S. degree in Computer Software from Tsinghua University and M.S. degrees in ECE from Cornell University.

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Date & Time: Wednesday, April 22, 2018